• 테오 반 두스뷔르흐(Theo van Doesburg)

    1883년 네델란드 출생

    Colour design for university hall, in perspective, towards the staircase

    Pencil, gouache and collage on paper, 62x144cm, 1923, 런던 테이트갤러리

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Other Works by 테오 반 두스뷔르흐(Theo van Doesburg)View All

  • 테오 반 두스뷔르흐

    A reconstruction of the dance hall/cinema designed_ 연도미상, “Cinébal” at the Aubette in Strasbourg.

  • 테오 반 두스뷔르흐

    Neo-Plasticism: Composition VII (the three graces)_ 1917

  • 테오 반 두스뷔르흐

    Colour design for university hall, in perspective, towards the staircase_ Pencil, gouache and collage on paper, 62x144cm, 1923, 런던 테이트갤러리

  • 테오 반 두스뷔르흐

    Self-portrait with hat_ 1906