The Costume of painter - Still life with human image vase 060608 & Still life with flowers
lenticular, 116x80cm, 2013
The Costume of Painter-doodling, window 2
캔버스에 유채, 렌티큘러_162.2×130.3cm_2017
The costume of painter - Still Life with sculpture hn
Lenticular, 84.9x120cm, 2011
The Costume of Painter- 3 women on the balcony
The Costume of Painter
2007, 렌티큘러 83x83cm
The Costume of Painter- self portrait in atelier
1832년 미국 메인 주 포틀랜드 출생
Samuel Colman. On the Viga, Outskirts of the City of Mexico
1892. Oil on canvas. Brooklyn Museum
Late November in a Santa Barbara Cañon
California – Brooklyn Museum
Storm King on the Hudson (1866) is one of Colman's best known works
소떼의 물먹는 풍경 Watering the Herd
oil on canvas, 59x94cm, 1869, Bank of America Collection
Willowwacks VI
70x110x80cm, Resin, acrylic paint, linen, steel, wooden board, 2018
Willowwacks IV
90x30x110cm, Resin, acrylic paint, aluminum, 2015
Chalna-A Man & Envelope CI
110x30xh15cm, resin,acrylic paint,linen,steel,wooden board, 2018
Chalna- Who am I BW2
Resin,acrylic paint,linen, steel,wooden board, 105x95xh35cm, 2018
Chalna- A man & Headphone C3, Polymer Plaster, acrylic paint, linen, steel, w
Lost in Forest
복합매체, 센서 및 타이어, 원형 설치, 2011
enamel & acrylic on canvas, 97cmx130cm, 2009, 개인소장
Mountain Pool with Flags
2022 Enamel and acrylic on canvas 65.1 x 50cm
Pool in the garden with fire
2024, Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 90.9x65.1 cm
enamel and acrylic on canvas, 100x150cm, 2012
Sculpture in the garden
2024, Enamel and acrylic on canvas, 130x162cm
Bedroom with Red
캔버스에 애나멜, 아크릴, 130x160 cm, 2006
폼생폼사 : 순정녀 / Swag Die : Naive Lady
한지위에 수묵담채, 꼴라주, 112x134cm, 2014
내숭 :수고했어, 오늘도 / Feign : Keep it Up !
한지 위에 수묵담채, 콜라쥬, 107x165cm, 2014
내숭 : 마라토너/ Feign : Marathoner
한지위에 수묵담채, 꼴라주, 200x121cm, 2014
내숭 애국자
한지 위에 수묵담채, 콜라주, 157 × 120(cm), 2016
내숭 :심판의 독재자, 킴 / Feign :Dictator of Judge, Kim
한지위에 수묵담채, 꼴라주, 190x120cm, 2014
폼생폼사 : 준비완료! / Swag or Die : Get Set Ready !
한지 위에 수묵담채, 콜라쥬, 112x173cm, 2014
1930년 미국 조지아 주 오거스타 출생