1975년 서울 출생
서울,화성에서 활동
121조형연구소대표.서초구 공공디자인진흥위원,소다미술관 크리에이터 밍글랩 멘토,서초미협 조각분과위원
untitled 5348-1
sisil hemp, 200x75x200cm, 2001
2000 사이잘 마(sisal hemp)_200x950x100cm
Untitled 5319-13
2019, Korean ink on Korean paper, 244x244x7cm
2009 Korean ink on Korean paper_244x1708x7cm
Untitled 5319-12
2019, Korean ink on Korean paper, 244x244x7cm
2020 Korean Ink on Korean paper_244x488x7cm
Blue Hall
80x160x120 (cm), Galvanized steel sheet, LCD monitor, LED Lamp etc, 2020
Melting Frame
46x180x50 (cm), FRP, 2017
Blue Hall
80x160x120 (cm), Galvanized steel sheet, LCD monitor, LED Lamp etc, 2020
Splitting site
mixed media installation, variable size, 2017
Blue Hall
80x160x120 (cm), Galvanized steel sheet, LCD monitor, LED Lamp etc, 2020
치환된 밀도II
45x74x55 (cm), Synthetic resin, Polycarbonate, LCD monitor etc, 2020
Confidential Custom
Pencil, gold color pen on paper, 131x162cm, 2014
An Elegant Endeavour_s-01
Pencil on Korean mulberry paper, 120x120cm, 2017
An Elegant Endeavour_241
2021. Pencil, colour pen, acrylic gouache and coffee on Korean mulberry paper, 35 x 50 cm
Pencil on Korean mulberry paper 4 pieces, each70x70cm, 2024
우아한 노력
장지에 연필, 137×200cm, 2018
Pencil, colour pen and watercolour on Korean mulberry paper, 142x75cm, 2023
La boite de la memoire (기억의 상자)
Mixed media, 100x100x109cm(1piece), 2010
La boite de la memoire (기억의 상자)
Mixed media, 244x102x24.5cm(1piece), 2010
Stray Thought on sails
Oil on canvas, 182x153.5cm, 1992
Sail as Wing
Print ink on paper, 55x63cm(1piece), 2003
Sail as Wing
콜라주, 혼합재료, 캔버스에 오일, 146.5x152cm, 2006
Fog and Smoke
HD video, color, sound, 20min, 2013, Courtesy of the Artist
단채널 영상, HD VIDEO, Color, Sound, 11분 30초, 2013
히스테릭스 hysterics
HD비디오, 컬러, 사운드, 7분 6초, 2014
흰 도화지에 과슈, 22x30cm, 2015
광합성하는 죽음 Photosynthesizing Dead in Warehouse
2024, Single channel video, 4K, color, sound, 30min., 스틸 이미지. 사진 제공: 작가 및 일민미술관. ⓒ 차재민
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