1871년 이탈리아 토리노 출생
자코포 다 폰토르모(Jacopo da Pontormo)
1494년 이탈리아 엠폴리 출생
The Death of Marat (마라의 죽음)
oil on canvas, 161.9x124.7cm, 1793, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts
The Oath of the Horatii (호라티우스 형제의 맹세)
oil on canvas, 330x425cm, 1784, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
Madame Récamier (레카미에 부인의 초상)
oil on canvas, 173x244cm, 1800, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and Coronation of the Empress Josephine (나폴레옹의 황제 서품과 조세핀 황후의 대
oil on canvas, 629x979cm, 1805, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
Bonaparte, Calm on a Fiery Steed, Crossing the Alps (보나파르트, 용마 위의 고요, 알프스 횡단)
oil on canvas, 260x221cm, 1801, Musée national du Château
1901년 프랑스 르아브르 출생
무제-2: Piano
Vinyl paint on canvas, 130.2×97.2cm, 1966
무제-6: Colloque
Vinyl on canvas, 195×130cm, 1974
Mire G 79
캔버스에 종이와 아크릴 1983, 100×68cm ⓒ Jean Dubuffet / ADAGP, Paris - SACK, Seoul, 2020
Elément bleu XII
1967, Transfer on polyester resin, 200x96x10cm
무제-12: Elément Historié
Sculpture: wall relief, Vinyl paint on stratified panel, 121×141.3×3.5cm, 1974
무제-15: La Route du Pas-de-Calais, 3 September
Oil on canvas, 114.3×146cm, 1963
1824년 프랑스 브줄 출생
Pygmalion and Galatea, 1890
The Cock Fight (1846)
now in the Musée d'Orsay, Paris
The Duel After the Masquerade (ca. 1857–59) depicts a duel after a costume ball in Bois de Boulogne
Paris.[1] The Walters Art Museum
The Death of Caesar (1867)
(Walters Art Museum), depicts the assassination in the Theatre of Pompey on the Ides of March.
Pollice Verso (1872)
which popularized the "thumbs down" gesture. Oil on canvas, Phoenix Art Museum
Grande piscina di Brousse (1885)
Untitled (Hand Anatomy)
Acrylic, oilstick and paper collage on canvas with tied wood supports, 152.4x152.4cm, 1982, © 2013 The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat / ADAGP, Paris / ARS, New York
Brown Spots (Portrait of Andy Warhol as a Banana)
Acryl und Ölkreide auf Leinwand, 193x213cm, 1984, © The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat; VBK, Wien
Untitled (Lung)
Acrylic on wood, 244x140cm, 1986, © 2013 The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat / ADAGP, Paris / ARS, New York
Acrylic on canvas, 218.4x172.7cm, 1984, © 2013 The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat / ADAGP, Paris / ARS, New York
Acrylic and wood relief on wood, 162x244cm, 1986, © 2013 The Estate of Jean-Michel Basquiat / ADAGP, Paris / ARS, New York
비누방울(The Soap Bubble)
Oil on canvas, 61x63cm, 1739?, 메트로폴리탄 미술관,뉴욕
가정 교사(The Governess)
Oil on canvas, 47x38cm, 1739?, 캐나나 국립미술관,오타와
식사 전 기도(The Prayer before Meal)
Oil on canvas, 49x41cm, 1740, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
꿩 정물화(Still-Life with Pheasant)
Oil on canvas, 49x41cm, 1750?, 미국국립예술관,워싱턴
악기(Attributes of Music)
Oil on canvas, 91x145cm, 1765?, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
The Artist's Studio
oil on wood, 1868
Woman with a Pearl
1868–70, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
Bacchante with a Panther
oil on canvas, 1860, Shelburne Museum
The Bridge at Narni
oil on paper, 1826
View of the Forest of Fontainebleau
Ville d'Avray, ca
oil on canvas, 1867, Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art
1886년 프랑스 스트라스부르 출생
Oil on canvas, 184,5x149,5cm, 1718-20?, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
아를캥과 콜롱빈(Harlequin and Columbine)
Oil on wood, 36x26cm, 1716-18?, 월리스 컬렉션,런던
사랑의 노래(The Love Song)
Oil on canvas, 51,3x59,4cm, 1717?, 런던 내셔널갤러리
키테라 섬의 출항(The Embarkation for Cythera)
Oil on canvas, 129x194 cm, 1717?, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
Oil on canvas, 97x116 cm, 1716-18?, 베를린국립미술관
장 오노레 프라고나르(Jean-Honoré Fragonard)
1732년 프랑스 그라스 출생
그네(The Swing)
Oil on canvas, 81x64cm, 1767?, 월리스 컬렉션,런던
음악 교습(Music Lesson)
Oil on canvas, 110x120cm, 1769?, 루브르박물관(프랑스)
강아지와 노는 소녀(Young Woman Playing with a Dog)
Oil on canvas, 70x87cm, 1770?, Fondation Cailleux, 파리
행복(The Progress of Love: The Pursuit)
Oil on canvas, 318x216 cm, 1773?, 프릭 컬렉션,뉴욕
책 읽는 소녀(A Young Girl Reading)
Oil on canvas, 82x65cm, 1775, 미국 국립 예술관,워싱턴
1925년 스위스 프리부르 출생