Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907)
Museum of Modern Art, New York
<큰 새와 검은 얼굴>, A.R.118
1951, 백토, 화장토 장식, 나이트 각인, 50x47x38cm ⓒ 2023 - Succession Pablo Picasso - SACK (Korea)
Tête de femme Marianne
Colored was crayons on paper, 65.2x50.3 cm 이미지 제공: 오페라갤러리
1909, Femme assise (Sitzende Frau)
oil on canvas, 100 × 80 cm, Staatliche Museen, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin
<빛나는 부엉이>, A.R.285
1955, 백토, 화장토 장식, 나이트 각인, 유약시유, 37x31.5x4cm ⓒ 2023 - Succession Pablo Picasso - SACK (Korea)
1909–10, Figure dans un Fauteuil (Seated Nude, Femme nue assise)
oil on canvas, 92.1 × 73 cm, Tate Modern, London. This painting from the collection of Wilhelm Uhde was confiscated by the French state and sold at the Hôtel Drouot in 1921
1397년 이탈리아 Pratovecchio 출생
파울라 모더존 베커(Paula Modersohn-Becker)
1876년 독일 출생
1528년 이탈리아 베로나 출생
oil on board construction, 70x171x25cm, 2009
Andy, Jeff, Damien
oil on board construction, 104x257x40cm, 2008
oil on board construction, 91x67x15cm, 2008
Love All
oil on board construction, 85x99x31cm, 2010
Rabbit, Rabbit
oil on board construction, 109x124x30cm, 2010
Two Fish
oil on board construction, 50x62x21cm, 2008
Another Hotel Room /1974
ⓒPattie Boyd_Another Hotel Room
Eric in his Lancia /1976
ⓒPattie Boyd_Eric in his Lancia
A memorable week / 1968
ⓒPattie Boyd_A memorable week
George on the Isle of Skye /1971
ⓒPattie Boyd_George on the lsle of skye
Self Portrait - Mirror /1997
ⓒPattie Boyd_Self Portrait - Mirror
Pattie & Georges Rose Garden /1968
ⓒPattie Boyd_Pattie & George's Rose Garden
Woman with a fur coat
Oil on Canvas, 194x121cm, 1990
Clown with Trumpet
Oil on Canvas, 121x84cm, 2009
pastel on paper, 35x45.5cm, 1987
Child praying
Graphite on paper, 41x31cm, 2006
Circus couple
Graphite, pencil and watercolor on paper, 41x31cm, 2007
Circus woman
Graphite and pastel on paper, 41x31cm, 2007
페르디난트 게오르크 발트뮐러(Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller)
1793년 오스트리아 빈 출생
1853년 스위스 베른 출생