• 오스카 코코슈카(Oskar Kokoschka)

    1886년 오스트리아 Pöchlarn 출생

    Portrait of Lotte Franzos 1909

    oil on canvas, 114.9 cm × 79.4 cm, The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC

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Other Works by 오스카 코코슈카(Oskar Kokoschka)View All

  • 오스카 코코슈카

    'The Tempest/Bride of the Wind'_ oil on canvas painting by Oskar Kokoschka

  • 오스카 코코슈카

    Portrait of Lotte Franzos 1909_ oil on canvas, 114.9 cm × 79.4 cm, The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC

  • 오스카 코코슈카

    Nude with Back Turned_ ink, gouache and chalk drawing, c. 1907

  • 오스카 코코슈카

    Self-Portrait_ 1917