• 작품 썸네일

    Young Girl Defending herself against Cupid

    Oil on canvas, 1880, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

  • 작품 썸네일

    시냇물 근처에서

    oil on canvas, 1875, Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross

  • 작품 썸네일

    Portrait of Gabrielle Cot

    oil on canvas, 45.5x38cm, 1890, Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross

  • 작품 썸네일

    The Birth of Venus(비너스의 탄생)

    oil on canvas, 299.7x217.8cm, 1879, 오르세미술관(프랑스)

  • 작품 썸네일


    oil on canvas, 230x148cm, 1876, 댈러스 미술관