문준용(Moon Joon-Young)

1982년00월00일 출생

서울에서 활동


뉴욕 파슨스스쿨 석사
건국대학교 시각디자인과 학사


2012. Selected Support for Young Artists, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2011. Residence Program, Incheon Art Platform, Seoul, Korea


2012. 11. Gallery Godo, “Sensitive Tangibility Tangible Sensitivity”, Seoul, Korea
2012. 09. BCS Gallery, “Inter-Scenery”, N.Y.C., U.S.


2017, 빈 페이지 _ Blank Page, 금호미술관, 서울
2016. 07. Interactive Art Museum, (permanent installation), Gapyeong, Korea
2016. 07. Suwon iPARK Museum of Art, “Alice in Wonderland, Virtual Reality”, Suwon, Korea
2015. 09. Stereolux, “Scopitone Festival”, Nantes, France
2015. 09. Daejeon Culture and Arts Foundation, “Artience Open Lab”, Daejeon, Korea
2015. 08. MMCA & La Friche Belle de Mai, “The Future is Now!”, Marseille, France
2015. 05. MMCA & Korean Cultural Center, “The Future is Now!”, Budapest, Hungary
2015. 03. MMCA & Le Murate PAC, “New Media Art from Korea”, Firenze, Italy
2014. 12. MMCA(National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art, Korea) & MAXXI, “The Future is Now!”, Rome, Italy
2014. 11. DMA Project Daejeon, “The Brain”, Daejeon, Korea
2014. 10. Yongin Cultural Foundation, Po Eun Art Hall, “Sang Sang Sul Hwa Jeon”, Yongin, Korea
2014. 08. DCAF Artience Open Lab, “Time Machine”, Daejeon, Korea
2014. 03. Saint-EX, Nuit Numerique #11, “Reel, Irreel, Virtuel”, Reims, France
2013. 09. DCAF Artience Lab, “Coexistence”, Daejeon, Korea
2013. 05. Tribowl, “Media + Nol Yi Teo”, Incheon, Korea
2013. 02. Imjingak, “BEAT 131”, (permanent installation), Paju, Korea
2013. 01. The Museum of Art, Seoul National University, “No Comment”, Seoul, Korea
2012. 09. Mediacity Seoul 2012, “Spell on You”, Seoul, Korea
2012. 05. Gyeongnam Art Museum, “Digital San Soo In”, Changwon-city, Korea
2012. 05. National Museum Of Contemporary Art, “EDU STUDIO”, Gwacheon-city, Korea
2012. 01. Incheon Art Platform, “Platform Artist”, Incheon, Korea
2011. 12. CMoDA & Onedotzero, “AV@AR”, Beijing, China
2011. 11. Seoul Arts Center, “Ceramic Art & Technology”, Seoul, Korea
2011. 10. “Cinekid Media Lab", Amsterdam, Netherlands
2011. 09. Incheon Art Platform, “Platform Festival”, Incheon, Korea
2011. 09. Gwangju Design Biennale 2011 “Design Is Design Is Not Design”, Gwangju, Korea
2011. 07. MOMA, "Talk to Me", N.Y.C., U.S.
2011. 07. "FILE Festival", Sao Paulo, Brazil
2011. 06. "I/O/I. The Senses of Machines(Interaction Laboratory)", DHUB, Barcelona, Spain
2010. 12. Onedotzero, "Onedotzero X Yota", St. Petersburg, Russia
2010. 11. "Microwave International New Media Arts Festival", Hong Kong
2010. 10. Int’l Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2010 & Art Center Nabi, “Borderless Reality", Seoul, Korea
2010. 10. "Art Edition 10", Seoul, Korea
2010. 10. Dream Forest Arts Center, "Journey to Dong Dong Forest", Seoul, Korea
2010. 04. Kellen Gallery in Parsons, "Onezero", N.Y.C., U.S.