• 토마스 설리(Thomas Sully)

    1783년 영국 혼캐슬 출생

    Portrait of the Misses Mary and Emily McEuen

    1823, Los Angeles County Museum of Art

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Other Works by 토마스 설리(Thomas Sully)View All

  • 토마스 설리

    Engraving of Sully's portrait of Eliza, daughter of Joshua Bates of Boston (US), and wife to the Belgian statesman Sylvain van de Weyer_ 미정

  • 토마스 설리

    Passage of the Delaware_ 1819, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

  • 토마스 설리

    Portrait of the Misses Mary and Emily McEuen_ 1823, Los Angeles County Museum of Art

  • 토마스 설리

    Jared Sparks_ oil on canvas, 1831, Reynolda House Museum of American Art