• 콩스탕 트루아용(Constant Troyon)

    1810년 프랑스 세브르 출생

    This painting depicts cattle drinking on the banks of the Touques River in Normandy

    1851, The Walters Art Museum

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Other Works by 콩스탕 트루아용(Constant Troyon)View All

  • 콩스탕 트루아용

    This painting depicts cattle drinking on the banks of the Touques River in Normandy_ 1851, The Walters Art Museum

  • 콩스탕 트루아용

    On the Way to the Market_ 연도미정

  • 콩스탕 트루아용

    Coast near Villers_ 1859, Walters Art Museum

  • 콩스탕 트루아용

    Two Sheep_ oil on canvas, 98x130cm, 연도미정