• The Circle, New York City

    1912-20, Oil on artistboard, 19.7 × 25.4 cm

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Other Works by 가이 칼턴 위긴스(Guy Carleton Wiggins)View All

  • 가이 칼턴 위긴스

    The Circle, New York City_ 1912-20, Oil on artistboard, 19.7 × 25.4 cm

  • 가이 칼턴 위긴스

    Brooklyn Bridge, Winter, ca_ 1920-1930, Oil on canvas, 76.2 × 63.5 cm

  • 가이 칼턴 위긴스

    Winter at the Library_ 1919, Oil on canvas, 49.5 × 59.7 cm

  • 가이 칼턴 위긴스

    월 스트리트 트리니티 교회 Trinity Church, Wall Street_ oil on canvas, 96x83cm, 1938, Bank of America Collection ©The Wiggins Foundation