• 윈슬로 호머(Winslow Homer)

    1836년 미국 매사추세츠 주 보스턴 출생

    Artists Sketching in the White Mountains

    1868, oil on panel (Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine)

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Other Works by 윈슬로 호머(Winslow Homer)View All

  • 윈슬로 호머

    Prisoners from the front_ 1866, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Oil on canvas. 24 x 38in

  • 윈슬로 호머

    Long Branch, New Jersey_ 1869

  • 윈슬로 호머

    Artists Sketching in the White Mountains_ 1868, oil on panel (Portland Museum of Art, Portland, Maine)

  • 윈슬로 호머

    건전한 만남(금주모임) A Temperance Meeting_ Oil on canvas, 51.8x76.5cm, 1874, Philadelphia Museum of Art