• Paolozzi's sculpture Head of Invention is installed in front of the Design Museum in Holland Park, London (1989)

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Other Works by 에드아르도 파올로치(Eduardo Paolozzi)View All

  • 에드아르도 파올로치

    Statue of Newton (after Paolozzi) in the British Library courtyard (London)_

  • 에드아르도 파올로치

    Paolozzi sculpture (1982) near Pimlico station of the London Underground system_

  • 에드아르도 파올로치

    Paolozzi's sculpture Head of Invention is installed in front of the Design Museum in Holland Park, London (1989)_

  • 에드아르도 파올로치

    Vulcan_ 1998–1999, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art