• 로베르 캉팽(Robert Campin)

    1375년 프랑스 발랑시엔 출생

    Right hand panel of the 1438 The Werl Triptych, now in the Prado, Madrid

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Other Works by 로베르 캉팽(Robert Campin)View All

  • 로베르 캉팽

    Thief on the Cross, fragment from a lost altar_ c. 1420, Frankfurt

  • 로베르 캉팽

    The Seilern Triptych_ c. 1425

  • 로베르 캉팽

    Portrait of St. Veronica, attributed to Robert Campin_

  • 로베르 캉팽

    Right hand panel of the 1438 The Werl Triptych, now in the Prado, Madrid_