• 엘 그레코(El Greco)

    1541년 그리스 이라클리오 출생

    The Disrobing of Christ

    1577–1579, oil on canvas, 285 × 173 cm, Sacristy of the Cathedral, Toledo

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Other Works by 엘 그레코(El Greco)View All

  • 엘 그레코

    The Dormition of the Virgin_

  • 엘 그레코

    Adoration of the Magi_ 1568, Museo Soumaya, Mexico City

  • 엘 그레코

    The Disrobing of Christ _ 1577–1579, oil on canvas, 285 × 173 cm, Sacristy of the Cathedral, Toledo

  • 엘 그레코

    Giulio Clovio_ oil on canvas, 58x86cm, 1571~1572